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Spiders Control

Our goal is to provide Excellence while treating our customers like family

Want To Get Rid Of Spiders?

Spiders are generally a beneficial pest because they prey on other insects, but many people have arachnophobia (fear of spiders), and want them removed from the home.

Spiders Control & Exterminator Services in Calgary, Alberta

Most spiders are harmless and spend their lives trapping and eating insects. Every bug they consume is one you won’t have to swat or spray. However, it’s understandable if you want to avoid them in the house, especially a black widow or a brown recluse.

The spiders’ near-360-degree eyesight helps them spot prey and hunt. But while their two large front eyes, called anterior medial eyes, have high acuity, those eyes’ field of vision is small. The lenses of the spiders’ eyes cannot swivel like those of humans, so when the arachnids want to shift their gaze, they simply reorient their entire body in the time it takes us to glance sideways. They pivot to face objects of interest (including potential prey, threats or mates) that they first spot with two of their less acute side-facing pairs of eyes, called the anterior and posterior lateral eyes.

What Attracts Spiders to My Home and Yard?

With so much space outside, you might wonder why spiders are making their way inside your home.

Here are a few of the most common things that draw spiders indoors:

  • Weather. Spiders require a specific environment to survive. When the temperature or moisture level outdoors gets too high or low for them, spiders will use small gaps in your foundation, siding, or weather stripping to make their way inside, seeking shelter from the elements.
  • The availability of food sources. Spiders often come inside because they’re following a pest species, like ants or moths. Spiders also eat domestic waste like compost, food scraps, fruit juice residue, and crumbs. The presence of any of these things will draw them indoors.
  • Habitat. Most spiders prefer living in dark and secluded areas like basements, crawl spaces, attics, and garages. These spaces provide shelter from the elements and ideal habitats for hunting and web-building.
  • Mating. If you have one spider in your home, it will attract others when it’s time to mate. Because of this, it’s important to act quickly after an indoor spider sighting.
  • Damaged areas. Spiders can easily access your home through tiny cracks, crevices, holes, and gaps in doors and windows. Some species, like the wolf spider, will enter the home through holes created by other pests, like mice. This may allow them to set up shop in the foundation or crawl space of your home.

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